Impact of New Media on Youths in Ikeduru Local Government Area in Imo State
Impact of New Media on Youths in Ikeduru Local Government Area in Imo State
- INSTITUTE: Department of Linguistics and Communication Studies, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers state.
The study sought to examine the impact of the new media on the youths of Ikeduru. The objectives were to examine if the youths of Ikeduru know about the new media and to examine the impact of the new media on the youths of Ikeduru Local Government Area. The study hinged on the technological determinism and two-way symmetrical model. The study adopted the survey and the questionnaire as the instrument. The population of the study was 542,780 and a sample size of 384. Based on this, findings show that the majority of the youths are aware of the new media platform. Findings also show that the youths view the media as interactive medium, research site and a way of connecting with friends. Consequently, the study recommended that government and parents should regulate what the youths are exposed to on the new media. The study further recommended that programmes providers should ensure that they censor what they put on the new media knowing that the youths are still vulnerable.