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Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Universal Precautionary Measures Among Nurses in Calabar South Local Government Area
The specific objectives are to:
- Determine the knowledge of nurses regarding Universal precautionary measures.
- Determine the attitude of nurses towards universal precautionary measures.
- Determine the level of practice of Universal precautionary measures among nurses.
- Identify barriers to the practice of universal precautions amongst nurses
Nurses are at risk of occupational hazards as they perform their duty in the hospital. Nurses are exposed to blood-borne diseases such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B and C viruses in their daily encounter with patients and materials through unsafe injections (Adare & Temesgen, 2020). In an era of HIV epidemic in Sub-Sahara, Africa, occupational risk is really significant and developing countries account for the highest prevalence of HIV infection in the world and the commonest route is needle stick injury (Enwere & Chiekulie, 2014). According to the World Health Organization (2022), there are approximately 3 million cases of needle stick injury (NSI) among nurses each year, with about 58.5% of these occurring in developing countries, 2.5% of HIV and 40% of Heptatis B & C cases that occurred among nurses worldwide were as a result of exposure to occupational hazards. The fact that blood and other body fluids from patients are becoming increasingly hazardous to nurses; it has become of great concern to the public as well as nurses all over the world. Therefore, practice of universal precautions as a way of safeguarding against possible infections in the workplace had become more and more widely accepted by nurses (Bolayi-Osagie & Adeyemo, 2015).
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