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Impact of Hostel Sanitation Practices and its Effects on Health Among Male Undergraduates in University of Lagos
This study investigated the influence of hostel sanitation practices on the health of male undergraduates in University of Lagos
This study investigated the influence of hostel sanitation practices on the health of male undergraduates in University of Lagos. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Three research questions and hypotheses were raised and tested in this study respectively. A self-developed structured questionnaire was used in gathering data for the study. The population of the study include all male undergraduates residing in hostels in the University of Lagos. The random sampling technique was used in selecting a sample size of 200 respondents. The descriptive statistics of frequency count, pie and bar charts were used to present the demographic data of respondents while inferential statistics of Chi-square was used to test the formulated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Analysis of data from the study revealed that there is significant perceived effect of sanitation on physical health of undergraduates in male hostels of University of Lagos, there is significant influence of sanitation practice on behavioral health of undergraduates in male hostels in University of Lagos, practice of sanitation is significantly beneficial on psychological health of undergraduates in male hostels in University of Lagos. This study hereby recommended that the University of Lagos Medical Centre in conjunction with the University of Lagos Counselling Unit should embark on sensitization exercise. This will bring to the limelight the issues of sanitation and its impact on health status among the hostel dwellers. The University of Lagos Management should provide basic sanitary facilities like adequate water supply, waste bins, brooms etc. These will empower the students in practicing good environmental sanitation, The mandatory Thursday sanitation exercises should be continued and enforcement officers should be mandated to go round inspecting the university community to ensure compliance, Students should be encouraged to inculcate the habit of keeping their environment clean and tidy, by ensuring that any used materials are properly disposed of, Information on how to use toilet equipment and other facilities should be included in the students’ handbook so as to educate them on the proper usage.
Keywords: Hostel, Sanitation, Practices, Health.
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