5 Easy University Degrees For International Students

5 Easy Courses to Study in Universities Abroad

When a candidate thinks of applying for an academic program abroad, the frequently asked question is about which country and university to pick. Still, another aspect that is a source of worry is the difficulty level of a course.

As international students look for degrees that can help them advance career-wise, it is essential to consider their academic background and match the intended course of study with the difficulty level they can grasp.

Suppose you struggle with challenging sciences or social science courses. In that case, this article by Booklab24 will help you pick some easy courses from an array of options so you can avoid challenges in the chosen university and end up struggling to graduate or complete the program.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Course/Major

5 Easy Courses to Study in Universities Abroad

These are some questions to ask yourself when deciding the college major you wish to apply for as an international student.

  1. Passion: What am I naturally interested to learn about?
  2. Financial Considerations/Gains: What are the costs of this major, and are there scholarships or financial aid options available? What are the economic prospects of the position I want to hold?
  3. Natural Talent: Do I possess exceptional skills or talents that would bode well in a profession or specific subject?
  4. Career Opportunities: How will this degree help open possible career opportunities?
  5. Networking Opportunities: Will this major help me connect with professionals in my desired field?
  6. Work-Life Balance: Will this career path allow me to balance work and personal life?

Booklab24 has itemized five courses that international students find easy to study at any university abroad.


Sociology broadly studies human societies and social interaction in communities and society. A student learns about the functioning of social dynamics with this course. The following table will help you understand why it is one of the most accessible degrees to pursue

With a sociology degree, your career path includes Social services, politics, education, and business. The average annual salary is about $46,780.

English Literature

English literature is a very sought-after course. The curriculum is often easy to grasp, and students can take away a high level of writing skills after the course. After the course, students can work in content management and development. English literature is among the easiest degrees to pass and has good job prospects.

The courses are available online for convenience and are ideal for those who love the English Language. When you graduate, you can get a freelance or full-time job in content writing, copywriting, or scriptwriting, and the salary range is $43,000 – $87,000 per year.


5 Easy Courses to Study in Universities Abroad

Nursing is a field that provides almost immediate employment after the completion of studies. The practical skills required for the job are often offered during studies. A student can understand the level of education quite easily.

Studying nursing is easier than other careers in the medical line. There are excellent and broad job prospects. A Certified Registered Anaesthetic Nurse can earn up to $202,000 per year.


If a student has a keen interest in linguistics, they can pursue it with the help of several courses available internationally. A prospective student can learn more about this degree from the table below.

Linguistics is very popular globally and is seen as a gateway to career paths in different countries because of the increased demand for multilingual individuals.

With this degree, one can work as an Interpreter, translator, language teacher, or researcher. Compared to other degrees, studying this course is affordable, making it ideal for cost-conscious students.

Business Studies

A student looking to pursue a bachelor’s or master’s in business studies will need to learn more about the practicalities of business than theory. Students keen on understanding business insights can quickly grasp the information in this curriculum.

In this course, students learn about marketing, finance, accounting, and so on. Someone with a degree in Business Studies can work in various specialized areas, such as Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Hospitality Management, and Human Resources Management.

Students can complete Business Studies in three years, which suits those interested in management or entrepreneurship. The salary range is between $49,000 and $68,500 per year.

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